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Past Events 2020

Daws Hall trip

daws hall.jpg

Monday 3rd February


A tour was booked to view the snowdrops in this fascinating garden, which was followed by a light lunch at the Henny Swan. 




Past Talks 2020

The Fragrant Garden Throughout the Year


Thursday 23rd January


Talk by Matthew Tanton Brown 


Matthew has extensive plant knowledge, having trained at RHS Wisley and he is currently manager at The Place for Plants. He talked to us about incorporating fragrant plants into our gardens for year-round pleasure.

Water, Water Everywhere

Watering the Garden

Thursday 13th February


Talk by Karen Kenny


Karen is an environmental and freelance garden writer, broadcaster and lecturer and her topic for this talk is Water. Living in one of the driest counties in the UK, we are all conscious of using water effectively and efficiently.

Pests & Diseases

Pest Control

Thursday 12th March


Talk by Darren Brooks  


Darren Brooks, manager at Notcutts Woodbridge, talked about pests and diseases, how to avoid them and how to treat them.

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